Thursday, January 24, 2008

Now I have given up on politics and the market, so I will have to find some other topic for my intro. Maybe something will catch my eye tomorrow.

On the Green Front Today I want to introduce you not to a product or a company, but a concept, a certification, something to look for. What I am going to discuss is Fair Trade certification and why it is important on many different levels to buy, when possible, products that are Fair Trade certified. The information for this post comes from the organization that certifies products as Fair Trade, Transfair, which can be found at .

"Fair Trade Certification empowers farmers and farm workers to lift themselves out of poverty by investing in their farms and communities, protecting the environment, and developing the business skills necessary to compete in the global marketplace."

Fair Trade includes:

Fair price-farmers have a floor price that their goods will not sell below.

Fair labor conditions-which includes a living wage and no forced child labor.

Direct Trade-goods are purchased from a farmer or group of farmers directly.

Democratic and transparent organizations-farmers collectively decide how to use fair trade funds.

Community development-fair trade farmers not only invest in their farms, but also in their communities.

Environmental sustainability-no agrochemicals or GMO's on fair trade farms.

"Transfair is a the only independent, third party certifier of Fair Trade products in the U.S."

"Fair Trade Certification is currently available in the U.S. for coffee, tea and herbs, cocoa and chocolate, fresh fruit, sugar, rice, and vanilla." You can purchase Fair Trade products almost anywhere. Visit Transfair's site so you can recognize the label. And, of course, I do my part by purchasing fair trade chocolate and coffee, and for those who know me, you would think that with my purchases of these 2 products, I could single handedly solve the problem.

I have added some Fair Trade items under Favorites-Fair Trade. Buy something yummy and enjoy.


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