Sunday, January 06, 2008

I have decided to make Sunday my Weight Loss Blog. Maybe I should change that to my attempts to lose weight blog. Currently I am working through Julia Cameron's The Writing Diet, Write Yourself Right-Size. Julia Cameron is the author of The Artist's Way, which is considered the bible of releasing your creativity. The premise of this new book, is that you should count your words instead of calories or points, which means that you should write, or do what ever releases your creativity, and you will naturally eat less. Cameron bases this premise on the results that she has observed why teaching her 12-week creativity workshop. She has seen a great number of the participants lose as they write and release their creativity. As in The Artist's Way, Cameron begins with teaching "morning pages." "Morning pages" are simply writing long-hand 3 note book pages of purely stream of consciousness writing. No thinking, no spelling, no grammar, just writing. This is the point I am at. For the past 2 mornings I have written my pages. I have to say that it really does clear your head. I am hoping that writing this blog will also take up some of my eating energy. I will let you know week by week how this is going.

Please leave comments about any of my blog entries and about any weight loss or "green" resolutions you have made for the year.


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