Thursday, January 31, 2008

The debate last night was less than informative concidering McCain and Romey spent the whole time going at each other. Someone on a radio show said that politics would be much more interesting if it were a full contact sport and I think I agree. Tonight might just turn into a full contact sport with out Edwards on the stage to jump in between Obama and Hillary. I am thinking that Hillary can take Obama in hand to hand combat. I just hope the moderator is good and I am not sure if Anderson Cooper is moderating tonight or not, but whoever it is must keep the two of them on track or this debate could get way out of control. Another interestin tidbit I heard this morning, Romney is not going to run any TV ads in the Super Tuesday states. Is he giving up? We shall see by Wednesday.

On the Healthy Eating Front I want you to check out a great site that helps you take fattening versions of your favorite recipes and learn to make them healthier. The site is called Mom's Meal Makeovers and can be found at . I have the cookbook and it is very good. At the front of the book, Janice Newell Bissex and Liz Weiss give great advice on how to make you kitchen healthier, they also give you a look at what a Makeover pantry should be. Then come the recipes which include things like "Halftime Taco Chili," "Hungry Kids Goulash," and "Oatmeal Mini Chocolate Chip Cookies." Check them out as we can all use food that contains more nutrition and less calories.

On the Yoga and Creativity Front I want to let you know about an exciting opportunity to connect with your creative side. Kimberly Wilson of Hip Tranquil Chick fame will be conducting an online Creativity Circle for 4 weeks beginning in February. The Creativity Circle will be doing Kimberly's material based on her book, Hip Tranquil Chick, A Guide to Life On and Off the Yoga Mat , (which I will be reviewing this Saturday) and Julia Cameron's The Artist's Way, A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity . For more information go to . On the same page, there is information about her next Le Chic Teleclass on March 31st. I have been involved in all of these and they are so fun and inspiring and all of the proceeds go to The Hip Tranquil Chick Foundation. Check it out, I am sure that I will be on the call. I also wanted to let everyone know that The Yoga Journal is now publishing a weekly podcast of a 30 minute yoga practice. I have not actually done any of the practices yet, but I have subscribed to the podcast. You can find the podcast at or on itunes. I have also added The Yoga Journal to Favorites-Yoga and the books mentiond above can also be found at Favorites-Yoga.

On the Crochet Front I have finished all of the pieces of the Hippo and I just need to put her bikini on her and do her face. She is so cute.

On the Weight Loss Front I walked again yesterday. That makes 4 workouts out of 5 days. Today the weather is supposed to be scary so I hope to do Yoga.

Keep the comments coming and do something creative today and everyday.


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