Sunday, January 13, 2008

It is Sunday again. I am still working through The Writer's Diet. The fact that I have stuck with one plan for a whole week is almost amazing. I am not sure how long it has been since I have done that. I have been known to change diets two or three times per day, no kidding. Over the last week I wrote "Morning Pages" 4 days. That is more than half the week, but now that I have had to count, I see that I did not do very well. So, I guess that will be my goal this coming week. Also, this coming week I will be starting the next step in the book, which is to write down everything you eat and how you fell when you eat it. This morning I did that with my breakfast, and I even went back to last night when I asked my dear son to go out for ice cream. I realized that I wanted it because I was frustrated playing Farm Frenzy. (I tell you computer games are evil. I have, however, finally completed my goal of completely beating the game, so maybe it is out of my system now.) Eating out of frustration is a big problem for me, and with school starting back this week, I have really got to watch that. Don't get me wrong, I can't wait for classes to start again, its just that I eat when the right answer does not come to me right away.

Please, please, please, leave me comments about anything, but, also, if you struggle with some of these same issues.

Also, notice in the right corner that you can now subscribe to Granny's Hippie Threads if you aggregate the blogs that you read. All you have to do is click on the link and you will be walked through it.


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