Friday, January 25, 2008

I was unable to watch the Republican debate last night because of school, but from what I gather is was a lot more civil then the Democrats debate. I also gather that John McCain did not do very well. The Florida primary should be interesting, that is if the state of Florida has learned how to count votes (sorry in advance to anyone from Florida). How do you feel about the economic stimulus package that was announced yesterday? I am all for getting back my money since the government has no clue how to spend it and what to spend it on. This summer when everyone gets their checks, I want ya'll to go out and buy reusable shopping bags, a down payment on a Preius or solar panels. Spend your new found green, "green."

On the Diet Front I feel fatter than ever, I think I am just having major PMS, but it has rained all week and I have not been able to walk. I am going to make myself do yoga as soon as I finish this blog. I have also started reading yet another diet book, Skinny Bitch and the companion cookbook, Skinny Bitch In the Kitch. Both of these books are written by Rory Freedman and Kim Barnouin. If you are at all offended by "sailor" language, do not get these books. They do however present some powerful information in an extremely unique way. I have added both to Favorites: Weight loss. I will update my progress in my Sunday diet blog.

On the Green Front I would like to introduce you to a new concept in magazine reading, it is a company called Zinio and can be found at . This company allows you to subscribe to and read your magazines online. The content in the magazines is the same as the one you receive in the mail, even the ads, but it all resides on your computer so you are not killing any trees or polluting the environment with all of the inks. There are issues you can view for free and the download of the reader is free. I have subscribed to Elle through Zinio and really enjoy it. Check it out.

Tomorrow is the Saturday Morning Book Review and I have been toying with the idea of doing one review a month on a classic. As some of you may know, I am currently working on getting my Masters in Literature, so I thought this would get the rest of you who have not looked at say Shakespeare since college to maybe think about reading a classic every now and then. And to me a true classic should be as relevant to today as it was when it was written. After all, does human nature ever really change? Tune in tomorrow and see what I decide.


P.S. Send comments, questions, suggestions, so on.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Laura,

I found your blog! It was good to see you. What's your regular email address? Mine is: (myfirstname)(mylastname)

Take care
