Monday, January 14, 2008

Is McCain too old to be president. He will be 72 in August. Most people I know retire and play golf or dominoes when they are between 55 and 65. A Fortune 500 company would not hire a 72 year old man to be CEO so why would we hire one to be president? I know that I will catch a lot of flack from my more seasoned readers, but just think, at any age, would you want to have the most stressful job in the world and be on the job 24 hours a day for at least 4 years maybe 8? I wouldn't and I just don't know, I think maybe there should be a cut off age of 55 for entering a presidential race. That sounds about right, a candidate must be between the ages of 35 and 55, isn't that when most people are at their peak? Please leave comments and be gentle.

On the Green Front I want to start letting everyone out there know about green items that you may not have thought about before. Today I want to introduce you to the idea of green, ethically obtained, sustainable jewelery. Anyone who knows me, knows that I am a jewelery harlot. I began to think about this issue after trying to watch Blood Diamond , which I only made it through the first 3 minutes and I knew I could not watch it. The diamond industry is one of the most inhumane industries going. The workers are treated worse than slaves, there is child labor, it is all just too awful for words. But, we can still have our bling and feel good about it too. I have done business with a company called Green Karat . They make beautiful items using recycled and ethically mined gold and gems. They can be found at . And of course feel free to purchase something for your favorite green blog writer. Other companies with similar philosophies are: and .
Go out there and get your "green" bling on.

As I was writing, I realized that I should do a whole blog on "fair trade" goods. Stay tuned for that in days to come. Also, if all goes well, tomorrow will be a crochet blog - I finished the afghan.


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