Sunday, February 24, 2008

The Sunday Weight Loss Update

I received my Nutri System Monday night and I started eating it on Tuesday. I have cheated a little, but not a lot, until last night. My dear son had a bowling tournament and we were gone most of the day and last night a bunch of us ended up at a Chinese buffet. It was all very good. Unfortunately I can only tell you that because I tried some of all of it. I did not even weigh this morning, but I did get right back on track today with the Nutri System. I practiced yoga yesterday and I walked this afternoon, I hope that it helps the Chinese. So far, all of the food I have eaten has been very good.

On the knitting/Crochet Front (I am not capitolizing knitting yet) My dear son's bowling tournament was about 2 hours away and we had to pass my favorite Local Yarn Store, Twisted Yarns, . I got some new stash. I will have pictures on Tuesday along with my completed sock on my foot.

Send comments.


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