Thursday, February 07, 2008

Hillary is having to spend her own money. What does that say? I thought the Clintons could raise money better than anybody.

On the Green Front I had to buy groceries for my aunts house yesterday because she is home and there was no food as she has not felt well for some time. Of course, I did not have my shopping bags and I was just going to gut it up and take the plastic, but not count them as this technically was not my purchases. Yes, I should have been a lawyer. But Publix sells their own reusable bags, so my dear aunt received a late Christmas present from me. She now has 6 reusable shopping bags, so she no longer has to get plastic. I did have to get one plastic bag for the raw chicken because I did not want it in with the other groceries. So now my count is 3 for the year.

As an update from yesterday's blog, Patagonia has their own blog. It can be found at . I have not had time to read it yet, but it looks like fun.

Sorry for the short post, but things will be back to normal when I get home.


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