Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Tonight Hillary and Obama are going to go at it in PA. It should be interesting, but I don't think very informative. I think that this debate will be a true slug fest and that gets us nowhere and McCain everywhere. McCain will not win this election because he was the countries choice, but because the Dems are giving it to him. I just don't think I can stand 4 more years of what we have now, but I am trying to at least understand that the possibility is there.

On the Crochet/Knit Front I still have no pictures as I am in the middle of writing a major paper for school and still have not finished anything. I will tell you this, when I did take a break last night and knitted on my sweater for a little while, it was just long enough to realize that I had knitted two right sides to my sweater. I had to frog back to where I had started the arm hole indention and start from there to make it the left side of my sweater. Maybe I should have just kept working on my paper and maybe that was God's way of telling me.

On the Weight Loss Front I walked last night and it felt great. I have got to do this every night. Tomorrow if I can I am going to see what it takes to work out in the facilities at school, but all depends on this paper. At this point everything in my world is revolving around this dang paper. I am determined that I will finish it today, but I said that yesterday as well.


1 comment:

Amanda Deardorff said...

Hey Laura! I am soooo with you on the paper thing. My senior research paper is due friday and I'm even dreaming about it at this point!!! I'm thinking it will all be worth it though, right?! love you!