Thursday, May 27, 2010

Mashed Potatoes and Barbecued Roast from More Dinner's in the Freezer
(I had mashed potatoes and Bocca Chikn nuggets)

This was the menu tonight (I know nothing green, but my son did not do the dishes and I was working with the pans I had).  The guys loved the roast.  It was very simple, I prepped it on Saturday from the recipe.  The barbecue sauce is made with catsup and a bunch of other spices.  I put it in the crockpot this morning and it turned out great.  I know that you will all be shocked, but I make my mashed potatoes with instant flakes.  I fix them according to the package directions and add garlic powder.  I topped my with cheese and all in all it was a very comfort food meal.  I love Bocca Chikn nuggets.  Eat something you love and knit only the things that you love.


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