Saturday, March 22, 2008

Saturday Morning Book Review

The Winter's Tale by William Shakespeare

If you like Science Fiction, you will like The Winter's Tale. You may say, "All of Shakespeare's works have some form of weirdness to them," and you may be right, but in the play the seemingly non-real elements take you by surprise. I did not enjoy this play when I first read it about 6 months ago because of the male chauvinist main character, but as I have had time to live with it and revisit it, The Winter's Tale has grown on me. In fact, I am writing a 12 page paper on different critical views from just one scene of this play for Literary Theory. There is also a very good video by the Royal Shakespeare Company of this work. You can find this play, like all of Shakespeare's works, in many ways; from, from Amazon (I will add a link on Favorites-Book Reviews), and in audio form from Even though the TV writers have gone back to work, please don't spend all of your time catching up on your favorite shows. Spend some time as a family reading the classics like they used to do before TV.

Happy Reading,

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