Wednesday, March 05, 2008

I caucused last night. Some of you may have seen on the news that some of the Texas caucuses got a little wild, but ours was very orderly, just long. We were there until nine o'clock. I was chosen as a delegate to go on to the District Convention, I will report back how that goes. I still can not believe that Hillary took the Texas popular vote, because our caucus was overwhelmingly Obama people. I still wonder about the accuracy of the voting machines. We should go back to paper or have some kind of double counting system, like paper against machine. In accounting, which is my Bachelors Degree, every number has a check and a balance, shouldn't counting our votes be held to at least that standard?

On the Green Front If you have not signed up for the Ideal Bite e:newsletter yet then shame on you, but just in case you have not I want to share their article on filing your taxes, April 15 th is not that far away. Here is the article and, remember, go to and sign up:

Need happy pills to get you through tax filing?
The BiteChin up. Filing taxes online makes the ordeal a lot less suicide-inducing. If we all do it, we'll save major paper and postage - plus filing online slashes the (typically taxing) wait for returns.
The Benefits
Easy does it. Web programs and PC software guide you through the filing process. Bonus: no standing in post office lines with other last-minute filers.
Rapid returns. If you e-file, you can expect to get your return in about half the time it would take with paper.
Not wasting W-2 much paper. The IRS processes over 2 bil sheets of paper each year. E-filing means fewer forms, and getting your refund deposited directly in your account saves even more paper.
It's accurate. The IRS says e-filing is 99% accurate, versus about 80% accurate with paper.
Personally SpeakingWe admit that saving the environment didn't cross our minds when we first e-filed - we just want our refunds, stat.
Wanna Try?
IRS E-file - 24-7 federal filing online; free if you make less than $54,000/year. (Note: the IRS may send you info in the mail with a code you need to enter on its site.)
Federation of Tax Administrators - see if your state offers online filing.
TurboTax Deluxe Online - tax software that makes filing even easier than IRS e-filing. Also: simpler, free edition for people with straightforward assets and income ($60/federal and state).
Tax Incentives Assistance Project - if you saved energy at home or with a fuel-efficient car purchase in 2007, you could be eligible for a tax credit.
Mint - free, online money management software so you can prep for a richer 2009.

Look into filing your taxes in a more "green" way this year. I have used Turbo Tax forever, , and I love it. We get our refund back in about 2 weeks with direct deposit.

On the Crochet/knit Front I got to knit a lot last night at the caucus, there is a lot of just sitting around. I kind of liked that part. Let me know what you have on your hooks and needles.

On the Weight Loss Front I am going to go and rejoin Curves this morning and make myself go. I think I felt better mentally when I worked out there, even if it was just a couple of times a week, just because I had to go and I had to sign in. It sounds stupid I know, but weight loss is a mental game. I will let you know tomorrow if I really do it.

Send comments.


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