Friday, May 09, 2008

I have lots to tell. Yesterday I went for my first job interview in 9 years. It was not bad at all, in fact I think I did well. It is for a Research Accounting position at the university I received my bachelors degree from and where I have started my masters. If I get the job I can continue to go to school and have a real job as well. It will be funny because if I do get the job, it will mean that I will be going back to work as soon as I graduate my dear son from home school, now I wonder how many moms have done that. I will have been away from work just long enough to school him. The group seemed really nice and I think it will be a great place to work.

On the Crochet Front We left this morning for our family vacation. I have either slept or crocheted since 6:00 am this morning. I have the back of the vest I am working on 3/4 of the way finished. I hope I don't run out of yarn before we get to Ithaca because I won't be able to find Ty Dy yarn until we get to a real yarn store. I am planning a yarn crawl in Ithaca and I can't wait. I hope the weather holds out because we have a lot of outdoor, walking things planned and of course my dear husband and dear son want to play lots of golf. Lots of golf means lots of yarn stores and book stores and organic coops, I can't wait.

On the Green Front We are doing nothing green since we are driving all the way to Ithaca, but we do have 4 people in the car. I did bring a reusable mug and I take it into the quicky mart at the gas station with my tea bag and get hot water to make tea and I have not had to pay anything all day. This is great, I wish I had done this sooner. Free tea with every stop. Try this tip and also take your own water mug as well. I know these are little things, but little things really add up.

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