Saturday, June 28, 2008

Saturday Morning Book/Movie Review

Ethan Frome by Edith Wharton

I know that this is supposed to be a book review blog today, but I have not finished any books this week, but I did watch the movie version of Ethan Frome, which I reviewed earlier, this morning. It stars Liam Neeson and it follows the book very closely. I thought that it was done very well and I highly recommend it. I have added a link on Favorites-Book Review. As usual though, if you can, you should read the book as well. There is no way that you get the same effect from a movie as you do from reading a book and seeing your own screening in your mind.

On the Knit/Crochet Front I have finished objects. The first is the yoga mat bag that I made the first week I was back at work. I am really enjoying my job and the people are great and the fact that it is with a University and I can practice yoga at lunch is just a bonus.

I crocheted this by loosely following this pattern . This is also a great blog, so check it out. I used some cotton yarn that I got on sale on our trip to New York and I changed up the pattern a bit by adding a round of cross stitching every so often. It was a quick project and I just love using it.

The next fo is a vest that my Mother commissioned me to make. We bought the yarn on the way home from our New York trip, somewhere in Tennessee. It was very nice to work with and as soon as my Mother returns from Florida, I will take more pictures of her modeling it.

Please send comments and join my group on Ravelry.



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