Sunday, September 14, 2008


We went to our nephew's northwest of Houston and it was the best decision I ever made. They graciously opened their home to us and it has been wonderful. This is one of the few homes in the Houston area with power and it is a true blessing. Our home faired well. Our fench is down and of course there are limbs and so on, lots of clean up. We are not supposed to have power for two to three weeks and, as of tonight, the water in our city has been turned off. Luckily I don't have to go to work yet until Wednesday, but I don't know how I am supposed to be ready for work without water or electricity. I guess we will figure this all out as we go along.

On the Knitting/Crochet Front Since I have had time on my hand, I have mastered the Cat Borhdi sock method. I have also finished a baby blanket, and a pair of monkey socks that I had sitting in the knitting bag that I brought with me. Maybe one day I will get some pictures posted.

I will try and blog tomorrow about out the storm recovery is going. If you live in the Houston area, let me know how you are doing.


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