Saturday, June 28, 2008

Saturday Morning Book/Movie Review

Ethan Frome by Edith Wharton

I know that this is supposed to be a book review blog today, but I have not finished any books this week, but I did watch the movie version of Ethan Frome, which I reviewed earlier, this morning. It stars Liam Neeson and it follows the book very closely. I thought that it was done very well and I highly recommend it. I have added a link on Favorites-Book Review. As usual though, if you can, you should read the book as well. There is no way that you get the same effect from a movie as you do from reading a book and seeing your own screening in your mind.

On the Knit/Crochet Front I have finished objects. The first is the yoga mat bag that I made the first week I was back at work. I am really enjoying my job and the people are great and the fact that it is with a University and I can practice yoga at lunch is just a bonus.

I crocheted this by loosely following this pattern . This is also a great blog, so check it out. I used some cotton yarn that I got on sale on our trip to New York and I changed up the pattern a bit by adding a round of cross stitching every so often. It was a quick project and I just love using it.

The next fo is a vest that my Mother commissioned me to make. We bought the yarn on the way home from our New York trip, somewhere in Tennessee. It was very nice to work with and as soon as my Mother returns from Florida, I will take more pictures of her modeling it.

Please send comments and join my group on Ravelry.



Wednesday, June 18, 2008

I know that has been forever since I have posted, but life has been very busy since I have gone back to work. Lots has happened since we last visited. I finally got to start the yoga class at work. It is so great. Everyone moves and modifies for their needs, but our teacher includes some advanced stuff so that we know what we are working towards. She starts class with a great breath work and then ends with some great meditation and corpse pose. The Fitness Release Time that I get as a benefit has got to be one of the best benefits I have ever received at a job before. I can go to yoga and not have to watch the clock for a one hour lunch. We receive up to 3 hours per week to work out, but at the most, I will only need 1 1/2 hours per week. Oh and having my cute yoga mat bag to carry my mat in it great also. As soon as I get batteries for the camera I will take pictures and post.

On the Crochet Front Saturday I participated in the Houston area meet up of the World Wide Knit ( and Crochet ) in Public Day. It was held here at a local mall and we had over 80 knitters and crocheters. I think the local mall crowd wondered what had invaded their territory. I met some great yarn crafters, saw some beautiful yarn and found a new local yarn store. I can not wait until next year.

On the Weight Loss Front I am now exercising more regularly since I have more scheduled days and since it is encouraged at work. I have not lost any weight though and it is getting very discouraging. Maybe next week.

Let me know how it is going for all of you.


Monday, June 09, 2008

This video is a little different than what I normally have on this blog, but to borrow a line from Larry the Cable Guy, "I don't care who you are this here is funny." And in some very sad ways true.

These guys have a ton more as well and I am going to watch them later.


Saturday, June 07, 2008

Saturday Morning Book Review

Measure for Measure, by William Shakespeare

Shakespeare has done it again. Is it that human nature as always been the same or that he just knew the very souls of men. In Measure for Measure the message is an old one straight from the Bible; “He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone.” (Holy Bible KJV 8:7) People should think about their own indiscretions, before they condemn others. I guess New York governor, Eliott Spitzer, never read this play, because if he had, he surely would not be in the trouble that he is in today. And, as always, you have to ignore Shakespeare’s treatment of women and look at the big picture meaning of the play. I have to remember every time I encounter Shakespeare that he did not know any better. This is the way women were treated and if we don’t continue to visit these classic works, we run the chance of forgetting how much progress we have made as women. We also need to remember that there are still places in this world were women are still treated as property with little or no rights. Measure for Measure is a great read and a good watch. I will add links to both the Folgers Classic version and the BBC video to Favorites-Book Review. You can also read it for free at


Tuesday, June 03, 2008

I know that I have said this before, but I really thought that if Hillary wanted to be president she would be. I am truly stunned that it is over and she is not. Maybe we can now move forward and beat McCain. I want a change. This country needs a change. Let's make a change.

I have made it through two days of work and I am still alive. I have to say that it has been kind of tough. My dear son cooked dinner this evening, it was very nice. I will hopefully get back into the blogging mode after the work life gets normal.


Sunday, June 01, 2008

OK, did the Dems figure out anything yesterday? I listened to most of it and the most intelligent thing I heard was from Carl Levin, I think, and he said something to the effect of, "the way we pick a presidential nominee is stupid." I agree. I am so afraid that if the Dems don't get their act together, McCain will win. Let us all start practicing our "OH Canada" and "Aye" so that we will be ready when we go to live there.

On the Weight Loss Front Tomorrow I start my new job and one of the benefits is 3 hours a week to work out. There is a fitness center on campus and a new Yoga class starts in one week. I am hoping to sign up tomorrow. It has been a long time since I have actually taken a yoga class, I can't wait.

On the Work Front (yes, a new front) I have organized my work clothes to the first part of my closet and, sadly, moved the jeans and capris to the back, but I am now ready for in the morning. I have not decided what I am going to do about cooking at night since I have gone back to being a veg and of course husband and dear son are not. I am going to address that another day. I think that I am ready and I am looking forward to learning new things and getting involved in the academic setting.

On the Green Front I thought that it would be easier at check outs since all stores are not selling their own reusable bags. I went to Target this afternoon and I even have a Target bag and the poor checker still had no idea how to just had me my items so that I could put them in my own bags. Oh well Rome wasn't built in a day so I guess we just adjust on checker at a time.

Send comments.
