Saturday, July 12, 2008

Saturday Morning Book Review

No Sheep For You, Knit Happy with Cotton, Silk, Linen, Hemp, Bamboo & Other Delights
by Amy R. Singer

The headline on the back of this book says it all: A World Beyond Wool! There are many people who are allergic to all things sheep and animal, but still love to knit and crochet. Until now these unfortunate individuals have had to use acrylic. OH MY! (No offense to acrylic yarn. It does have its place, like for baby things that need to be able to be washed often, but I am becoming a yarn snob.) Today things are much better and this book details them all. There is bamboo, organic cotton, hemp, flax, linen, soy fiber, silk, milk fiber, fiber make from bananas and sea weed, and much, much more. Of course, milk fiber and silk are not vegan yarns, but there are so many more, that even if you are a strict vegan, you can have a stash that any fiber artist would be proud to call their own. I have personally worked with bamboo and soy and I loved both. No Sheep For You also has some really great patterns to support these wonderful new and old fibers. Even if you can wallow in 100% mohair, you need this book to expand the fibers you can work with and to make up some of the great patterns. I am adding a link to it under Favorites-Book Reviews.

I got to buy this great resource with the very nice gift certificate to my LYS, Yarns 2 Ewe, my dear husband gave me for our anniversary which was on July 4th. I went for the first time to the Friday night S&B last night and had a great time. It is so neat to sit surrounded by yummy yarn talking with others who don't look at you like you have lost your mind when you cast on a sock on things that look like four tooth picks, who know you by your Ravatar and who don't ask you what a Clapotis is. I love my family and friends dearly and always want to be with them, but there is nothing like being with another group of people who would think that it is completely normal to have bags of yarn and WIPs placed as decor in the family room. If you have not joined a knit/crochet group, I highly recommend it.

I had another great treat today, my dear niece treated me to Starbucks. I love you Emilee.


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